It just fun to write without being interrupted

May 23, 2013


I have grown fond to Sci-Fi, Superhero Action Pack movies or what I used to call "Boy Movies". I thought I'd never like Sci-Fi. My brother used to be so engaged with Star Wars and there I was, beside him, thinking, Meh, another fiction about politics. But now I know how it feels to like Sci-Fi. :DDDD

In the case of superhero movies, they have been instilled in me since I was little but never actually grow much  till, well, now. I'm imagining myself being Loki, stuck in my ugly childhood, wishing I could change the future and went off track and killed everybody instead. lol. Look at me, wishing I'm a villain Herp herp

And Benedict in Star Trek, OMG. He was all, my crew, my family, and I was all STAAAHHHPPP IM GONNA CRYYYY (talk about massive drama catharsis). Him shooting in Kronos was *omg, I iz droolin for hours*. Instantly, I want to learn to shoot like that too!! (ok. ok. I need to calm down.)
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*using the Force*

OK. Ironman 3 it is.

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May 14, 2013

Lil heart

Dear heart, 

Stop being so fragile because there's no one to mend it.
Stop expecting too much because none of it will happen as you wish it.
Stop depending on someone fr that happiness because it's you who know how to make yrself happy.

Please wake up because reality is nothing much from that dream of yours.
Please wake up because it's time fr you to start painting all those dreams into reality.
You yourself & with the help Allah alone.
None others can help you through, none.

So, just stop please.
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