It just fun to write without being interrupted

April 26, 2019

Dawn of the Clouds

Different people,
Have different characters,
Different people,
Choose to love or hate embers.
One’s hate or love,
is their will
a focus on “a stuff”.
How do our will,
Differ with love or hate,
when even melted steel,
will not change its state.
Show me your will,
if you want me dear,
Show me your will,
if you’re loveliest person here.
Poof! Time is out,
You are no longer in love or hate,
I saw your will clear and heard it loud,
After I attended your masquerade.
Goodbye my heart,
Goodnight my love,
Good morning hatred,
Welcome to my loveless world.
Where all love and sadness are hidden,
Where all happiness and joy are thrown
into the abyss but not smitten,
by any form of relationship
once renown.
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